Return & Refund Policy


Payment Terms

Payments for services rendered by Lands99 are to be made in full in advance. Once subscribed to, these services are non-refundable, with refunds granted at the sole discretion of Web Places It Service And Solution’s. We make no guarantees regarding the accuracy or timeliness of refund processing. Additionally, Web Places It Service And Solution’s reserves the right to set off any amounts paid against outstanding obligations owed by the user.

We undertake maximum care to ensure the security of all electronic money transfers. During online transactions, users are directed to a secure Payment Gateway, with Web Places It Service And Solution’s. not storing any credit card data. After completion of the transaction, payment information is inaccessible to us, ensuring maximum security.

Web Places It Service And Solution’s shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from inadvertent disclosure of user account information or online transaction details. This includes errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in disclosed information, whether or not in pursuance of legal process.”

Refund in failed transactions

“While Web Places It Service And Solution’s payment reconciliation team operates around the clock, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of refunds reaching subscribers’ card/bank accounts due to various factors, including the complexity of transaction processing, internet infrastructure issues, and financial institution working days/holidays. Refunds for incorrect or objectionable property content posted on the site are at the discretion of lands99. Any misuse of lands99 in violation of our terms and conditions may result in termination of access or other appropriate actions by Web Places It Service And Solution’s.”

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